Sunday, April 15, 2007


My weekend was pretty unusual. I went back-packing. It was a lot of fun. Of course, I have decided that almost all dried fruit is distigusting and I am sick of beef jerky. But besides that and a few blisters, the trip was great. The outdoors is a really good place to think and get away from it all. If you are not careful, you can get lost in thought and lose track of where you are. Getting lost in the middle of nowhere isn't such a good idea.

We camped over night and finished out the trip today. It was six miles long. I know that doesn't sound very long or hard in a two day time period, but with a 25-pound pack, it is a lot. Plus the weather wasn't the best on Saturday. I heard it snowed here. Thankfully, it didn't snow where we were at the time, it was just a bit slushy.
This is a picture of what we probably looked like. That of course isn't me, but that is how big our packs were. I never realized how needy we are until I had to rough it. Most people don't think that they are lucky when they are about to go to sleep in a nice, warm bed or ride in a comfortable car. Most of the time, I think that I am pretty self-sufficient and don't need a lot of things to survive. I don't realize how "spoiled" I am, until I have to limit what I live on. Most of the time I worry about what I don't have and not what I have. It is these kind of trips that open your eyes and make you see differently. I am afraid that in a couple of days that I'll forget about all this and get back into my regular routine.


Anonymous said...

I love back packing, it is so much fun and kind of makes you feel a sense of accomplishment! What you were saying about being spoiled reminded me of the ice storm. I didn't realize how much I much I took for granted until I lost power, warmth and my fish (they died from loss of heat.)

Eliza101 said...

i went backpacking and i completely hated it. Well i guess that since it was raining when i went that could play a factor.

cavalierschick said...

I love those two books!! I have never really loved a book so much until I read it. It's wonderful. I suggest you go out and buy them because you'll want to own them the minute you start reading. :]

bumblebee15 said...

What two books? What are you talking about? Twilight????????I'm confused.