Monday, April 2, 2007


So I finished The Hobbit and I was a little disappointed. I didn't really like the ending. I won't give it away for those who haven't read it. But I guess I didn't like it, because of how the story was so focused on the plot. I know that sounds idiosyncratic. But I particulary enjoy books that have characters with a lot of depth to them. I like getting to know characters. The Hobbit just talked about what they did and sometimes gave personal descriptions about the characters. The characters are what drive the plot so to know how the act and how their minds work is extemely important, in my opinion.


cavalierschick said...

I didn't care so much for the ending but you do fall in love with the characters. It's fun to read about that characters and in some way you actually start to grow with them and they start to seem more real. I really like J.R.R. Tolkin and his writting styles. You should read some of his other books.

Erin said...

I'm starting to read Fellowship of the Ring.

cavalierschick said...

That's my second favorite out of that whole series. My favorite would have to be The Return of the King. The Fellowship of the Rings is the funniest one out of the whole series, so enjoy that. :]

Leroy Jenkins said...

idiosyncratic.. ouch. definitions ftw?

CrazyDay said...

1. a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.
2. the physical constitution peculiar to an individual.
3. a peculiarity of the physical or the mental constitution, esp. susceptibility toward drugs, food, etc.