Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I was recently commenting on a past blog that was on the issue of stereotyping. So then I just decided to post my own blog about stereotyping. Whenever I was trying to comment the last blog I just searched for stereotyping (and similar subjects) on Google.com and was astonished with what I came up with.

There has always been a lot of stereotyping people. (Some) White people are portrayed as snobbish and rich. Other whites are just hillbilly white trash. Black people are poor, or they do drugs and eat chicken, cornbread, and watermelon. Mexicans are cheap labor and they are taking over the US. All Muslims are just out to hurt the US. This is not true.
I found this picture from an old pioneer postcard!


Leroy Jenkins said...

Haha. I think the cards hilarious. Oh ya.. of course its very stereotypical too...

Lacy Jo said...

I think stereotyping someone is wrong. Although I beleive it to be wrong I still catch myself judging a book by its cover. I think it is just something that is part of life that happens. I hope someday people realize that judging others is wrong...who knows, ill guess we will have to see what happens. Very neat blog, i like the picture and facts you put in it.