Saturday, April 14, 2007


Hey! how is everybody's weekend been so far? Mine has really been good, ive had some fun and spent some time with my family for a change. Did anyone else kinda like the photostory thing we did on friday? I thought some of the poems were boring and would have liked it if we could have picked our own, but i thought that the program was interesting. I didnt have any time to blog on friday so i just decided to handle it all this weekend. I am interested though to see what everyone does whenever we do the project using it during shakespeare.

Today's artwork is another painting done by alex grey, is named dying, showing the human mind emptying into nothingness as the person passes away

1 comment:

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I liked doing the poem activity on friday. I thought it was really fun and it kept me interested in the lesson. I also agree that i wished we could have picked our own poem. I think that would have made our photostories better because we would have connected more with the poem.