Saturday, April 14, 2007

Romeo and Juliet

I am really liking Romeo and Juliet. How about all of you. Well today was kind of nasty. This morning I looked out the window and I could not believe it was raining. This is april that is just crazy. Well anyways... When I am reading Romeo and Juliet and home I think that I know what they are talking about and I get it. Then when we read it in class and Ms. James was explaining it the things meant something totally different. Has that happened to any of you. I am really looking forward to reading this novel in class more than at home. I am afraid that I will get to confused on what I think is happening compared to what the story is actually saying. I don't really like reading poems, but reading Shakespeare doesn't seem like a regular poem that you would read. I really like it. I like fairy tale type stories like this. Hope the reading is going good for everyone. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

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