Wednesday, April 4, 2007


In Ms. James blog she referred to courage and how it was displayed throughout the book. Well I think that courage could go both ways. It is courageous to stand up for what you believe, but also to back down instead of making a bigger situation out of something. I think courage is not just an outwardly appearance. It comes from deep within yourself. I think you have to build up courage unless your just an outgoing person. Sometimes people will think you are cowardly for doing something that is really simple for them to get up and do. Say you want to ask someone out. Well for some people that is going to take a lot of courage and they will have to build themselves up to do it. For others it will be no big deal and it just comes more naturally to them to be able to talk to that person. Well I just think that anything you find difficult to do and you go for it and take a chance is courageous.
What does courage mean to some of you guys?
What are examples of courageous things?


CrazyDay said...

I personally think that courage is something necessary to do something big, to make a sacrifice. I don't believe in courage in everyday things.

One thing I would find courageous is going to war for our country. That is not something that just anybody does, that takes some courage.

I think when you are asking somebody out, that is more of just building up the nerve to do it for some people, not really a matter of courage.

Katiedogg said...

You are so right! What may seem simple to some is impossible for others. I'm very afraid of strangers, even though I'm a big girl and probably look very scary to strangers. I'm also afraid of the vacuum sweeper and thunderstorms. Oh, well!

cavalierschick said...

I think something that would take courage is admiting to flaws. We live in a society where being "normal" is valued very much and not hitting that mark sets you apart from the world. To be able to admit to having done something bad or wrong, not only would the person have courage to tell people but have the courage to trust that they wont be alone.

mellofelloet said...

I think that courage means that you have to be willing to take a chance and you have to be willing to acept the consiquences if needed. You all make excellent points.