Wednesday, April 4, 2007


In her blog, Ms. James talked about courage. Also, somebody else posted about courage. So I began to think about courage. I think courage is when your mind says, "Don't do it", but you do it anyway. I think there's a difference between wanting to do something and doing something. It's not courageous to say you want to stand up for what's right, and then back down out of fear. That's what courage is to me. I an example would be the law enforcement in NYC during 9/11. I think it's extremely noble and courageous to save civilians from a collapsing building. And then after, go into the rubble and save others while you could be killed yourself. I think that is the best kind of courage: risking your own life for somebody else's life. If people were more courageous more often, I think the world would have more nobility than it does now.

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