Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Proposal, The Rescue

I just started the second book in a new series I'm reading. It's by Lori Wick, she's a Christian romance writer. (All of my friends know I've been reading her books since forever ago!)
The Proposal: William Jennings is a bachelor at the age of 33 (I think) and when his brother dies, the kids are sent to him. At the beginning, Jennings is only interested in the two boys, leaving the 6-year-old girl to fend for herself, not very well, with an abusive nanny. Jennings moves the new family of four (minus the nanny) to his sisters town. There, he seeks a mother for his three charges. The middle boy (age 9) and the little girl take to their aunt's neighbor. They convince the older brother (age 12) that they need to get Jennings and Marianne (the aunt's neighbor) to wed. They rattle off all the things that they see good in the two to the other, thinking they're sneaky, when the adults know what's going on, but blame the other. The book takes you on a journey of scared little girls, love, and learning that little girls aren't as scary as you think!!!
The Rescue: I just started this one, so I'm not that far in it. What's happened so far as been rather interesting. Anne Gardiner has a father who has mental issues and who was a Colonel in one of the wars (it hasn't said, that I remember). Anne is fixing a leak in their roof and falls off a ladder into the arms of Robert Weston, who is new in town and just happened by. Her father comes onto the scene, and misreads the situation. He then forces them to get married, that day, (keep in mind Anne and Weston haven't ever even met before) and he thinks her trying to rob him. He commands her to clean his entire house, top to bottom and he leaves her for five days, and comes back with a surprise visit from his old love. He sees she's cleaned the house, with little sleep and food, and thinks his servant has done this, then remembers. He follows her and makes her eat something, apologizes, and they lived happily ever after. Not really, the town gossip sees her with him and after knowing her father has done this before and usually she leaves soon, spreads that she was with him, jeopardizing her reputation, and now she must fight to make the town see her innocence, with the help of her closest friends.


Eliza101 said...

I thought you said that you had not gotten very far!! Sounds like you got farther than you thought you did!! :)

Scarlett_Rose said...

Oh, no, that was in, like, the first 50 pages!!!!!

mellofelloet said...

WOW! Thats all I have to say...WOW!

Scarlett_Rose said...

It's been a good series, I'm getting the next two books on Sunday. If you like Christian-Romance books, I highly suggest any of her books!