Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Movie

I must sound like such a nerd, but I am so excited to be starting Romeo and Juliet. Besides it being one of my favorite books, I absolutely love Shakespeare! I wish we got to read more of his plays in this class. All of them are wonderful. What I really like about Romeo and Juliet is how rich and life-like his characters are. I think that's one of the down sides to us reading it. I honestly believe you really can't appreciate the characters or get the full effect of the play until you get to see it with your eyes. After all, it is a play. If you do want to see it, I highly suggest the Romeo and Juliet movie from 1996. It is amazing. What I love about it is it keeps all of the original text, but makes everything else modern. For me, it really helped me understand the plot line and helped me see the all of the different characters. I also really enjoyed it because it really let me get to see the personality of all of the characters. With the book when I read it the first time, I never really got the playful personality of Mercutio or how angry and full of hate Tybalt. If you have time, I suggest renting it and watching it. It's well worth your time. Well, I hope you all have a great week and a Happy Easter.

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