Friday, April 6, 2007



I'm really interested in this Shakespeare guy. I've heard he's a good writer supposedly, but I've also heard that it's hard to read his stuff since it's so old and elegantly written. I'm kind of torn, but I'm hoping it's a good read. It sounds decent enough. I'll guess we'll see soon.

What do you guys think?


cavalierschick said...

Romeo and Juliet has been mostly known because of it being a love story, but if you look deeper there are so many more themes to it. Along with the "tragic romance" there's the hatred of two different family's and their consistant battles along with the courage it takes for two people to look past that age long seperation between the two houses. Romeo and Juliet is not as dry as you think it is. The first scene is the best example of this. Most of the class will find the first seen the dullest, but look closer. If you put it all in modern text and setting, you could almost look at it as two rival gangs throwing obscene hand gestures and getting ready to take the other out. You just have to look between the lines and think about it in a way you will understand it. :]

CrazyDay said...

Sounds pretty cool. I've never really known what it was about. I was never really into Shakespeare and his writings. I still don't quite know what it's about other than it's a love story, but it sounds good.

cavalierschick said...

I love it and I hate love stories. A lot of the story centers around the war that has broken out between two families, who weird enough are so alike. I normally don't suggest a movie that is made after a book but the Romeo and Juliet from 1996 is wonderful. ( ) All of the dialog is the orignal text from the play, but it's set in a modern setting. No swords, but guns and fast cars. I promise, it is well worth your time to watch. I read the play first and sort of understood it, but you get such an appreciation for it once you see the movie. Just like Shakespear intended, it's ment to be seen. He wrote such rich characters that really can't be appreciated until you see them. I highly suggest renting the movie. I promise, seeing it now wont wreck the book. If nothing else, it will give you a visual for the book. :]

Anonymous said...

yea he is like the best playwright in history, im trying to give it a shot

KuroiKisu said...

o.O I wanna read it only because right now I honestly don't understand any of it...*cough*

Erin said...

Romeo and Juliet is one of the few love stories I actually love. I really hate romantic literature, because it is so corny and cheesy and doesn't really show what the truth of love is. But Shakespeare writes it so beautifully.

lild7hinascc said...

Yea same here. He seems pretty interesting and I never paid any attention to his writing because I thought it was boring.