Sunday, April 15, 2007

"Imus" Be Stupid

You guys probably know what is going on with Don Imus. He called the Rutgers University Women's Basketball team a rather offensive term. I won't repeat it. If you don't know the story, check out this site. I've got a lot to say on this subject so I am going to vent before it gets really bottled up.

I don't think he should have been fired. I believe he should have been suspended. While I do believe what he said was vulgar, stupid, and totally uncalled for, I don't believe he should have been fired. I also don't think that Don Imus is a racist. This kind of language has been in rap music where it was simply glossed over. So then the comedians started using that kind of language because they thought it was acceptable. Most of them got by...well, except for Michael Richards. Eventually it trickled down to radio hosts where they had a mind-set that this language was acceptable, because nobody else got in trouble. It's a shame because this
makes radio jocks the scapegoat. All of the controversy accumulates on their soldiers.

P.S. Isn't he an ugly guy?

I 'm not saying I feel sorry for Don Imus, but I don't believe it is entirely his fault. This kind of vulgar language was not brought to attention to our society. So he had a tough break. What do you guys think of the situation?

Do you think this fiasco will bring reform to sexism in America?


Anonymous said...

ya i agree
it seems a little harsh to fire the guy

Leroy Jenkins said...


Leroy Jenkins said...

So get off Imus. Theres an old thing called the first amendment. Check it out homes.