Sunday, April 15, 2007

Love Stories

There are so many stories about true love and that sort of thing. Shakespeare definitely helped inspired many of these stories. Though, he took it from that Arthur Brooke guy, but Shakespeare changes it into a more romantic story and saying they died for each other, which resulted in the end of the fight between their families. Brooke, on the other hand, said they had to die because they broke the law by marrying even though their parents didn't want them to.
This is a picture of two lovers that is from a TV series called "Avatar: The Last Airbender " I know it is kind of kiddie, but my friends got me hooked on it. You could say I like it a lot. Anyway, this episode is about two lovers who secretly meet each other in a cave. Their story is a lot like "Romeo and Juliet", but the time and place, of course are different. That and a few details are changed to fit the show. I think it is amazing how someone like Shakespeare could live so long ago and have such an impact on stories today.

*Also, I really like this picture, because it helps me visualize the distance between Romeo and Juliet. It's like a mountain separates them.

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