Friday, April 6, 2007


Well for homework last we were supposed to read a couple of pages that gave us some background for possibly one of the greatest play writers to ever live. After that we were assigned to write insults down from a list of words given to us from Ms. James. I didnt even think of this as an assignment. It was more fun than anything and i greatly enjoyed the assignment. Im not trying to brag or anything but i am pretty confident with my insults. They are... sweet. I guess we will find out who has the best. Comment me and give me some examples of what you've got.


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I dont have any really good insults yet but I do agree with you that I enjoyed the assignment. It seemed like something I would do for fun and not something I would do for school. I also like the picture... very cool :)

SHS21 said...

Shakespeare is awesome!!!

Leroy Jenkins said...

Shakespeares a lewdster.

Lacy Jo said...

Im glad u had fun doing the reading! my insults were....
1)Thou currish beetle-headed bladder.

2)Thou errant clay-Brained foot licker.

3)Thou goatish half faced giglet.

I am not to sure about if my insults are good but jus like you said we will have to wait and see :)