Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Lost Boy

I'm almost finsihed with a book called the Lost Boy. It is the sequel to A Child Called It and I really have liked it a lot. I didn't think that I would like it that much with it being the second book, but it turned out that I almost liked it better. Its an inspirational story of how a child had to persevere through horrible conditions just to have a normal life. I dont know how I would able to live through some of the things that Dave had to go through. He was a victim of severe child abuse and nelgect. I have wonderful parents that shelter me and love me unconditionally. I couldnt imagine having to live with a mother who tortured and brutally beat me every day. This book showed me how lucky I am to have the family that I do and that I shouldn't take things forgranted.

1 comment:

never_give_up said...

Those are both really good books, they really made me greatful for my parents, and everything I've been blessed with. I don't know if I could've survived if i was treated like that as a child.