Sunday, April 1, 2007


As I look over everyones posts, I have seen a very common trend. Everyone is talking about stereotypes! According to the dictionary a stereotype is an oversimplified standardized grouping of a person or social group. As I have read through every ones posts, I found it shocking how much people feel stereotyped. Many people said that stereotyping occurs more in High School than anywhere else! What do you think? This brings me to my purpose for this blog, do you think that the region in which a person grows up affects their views on slavery? For example, does a person who grows up in a little town in Kentucky with primarily a white race view other races or social groups then say a person from the widely diverse large city such as the ones found in New York? I think it plays a great role in how others perceive people on a day to day basis. What do you think?



Erin said...

It's not necessarily where you grow up, but how you grow up. When you're a child, your parents always say 'Don't do this', "Be careful for...'. If your parents always put this certain idea in your mind when your little, that certain idea or belief will stick with you. If your parents were really discriminatory and they always told you to not associate with certain people, then you would do so. But not because you decided those certain people were "bad". How you are raised influences your decisions. You wouldn't hang out with those people because you know from experience that the people are bad, but since your parents put that idea in your head when you were young....
It's just tradition.

Tony Buck said...

In high school there is a lot of stereotyping but most people do get along regardless of their social status. I mean, its not like if your a "jock", "prep", or "emo" person that you can't be friends with people from other groups, I just notice that people look different. Just becuase you dress a certain way or hang out with certain people doesn't mean your really that different.

To the question on slavery... I believe that where you grow up probably does affect how you view slavery or other races. Say if I still lived in Flint, there is like a 90% black population so obviously I would feel the same about blacks as I do about whites. But living down here in Springfield, especially on the south side where there are not many black people, my views on blacks could be different just due to the fact that there I am not around black people as much. This could be the same with the Southwestern US where there are a lot of Mexicans.

Cyclops1 said...

I think that where you grow up does influence how you view other races or social groups. The reason I think that where you grow up affects you're view on races is because in the south someone would be more influenced by their surroundings to be racist.