Friday, April 6, 2007

Romeo and Juliet

I think that reading Romeo and Juliet is going to be cool. It is a famous play that is still popular... 400 years after it as written, so it can't be that bad right? I think the old style writing might be a bit hard to understand, but that is why we have the book translations and Ms. James. Anyway, I 'm optimistic about reading Shakespeare. After all everyone thought Mockingbird was going to be horrible, but I ended up liking it. Has anyone read Romeo and Juliet, did you like it?

Here is a site about the various Shakespeare conspiracies that is interesting. There is even a movie about it! Do you think that William existed?


cavalierschick said...

I read Romeo and Juliet and it's still one of my favorite books. Here's the only advice I have for it: You must think about it in terms that you understand. Shakespeare wrote the play on a level where even the lowest people there could understand it. With that being said, you have to read it in a way that you would understand it. Try to place the setting in a modern place or figure out what the dialog would sound like today. I promise, you will enjoy the book so much more and you'll will get more out of it. :]

KuroiKisu said...

Iunno...honestly i'm UBERRRRRR okay, mellow. Not into anything right now I don't really care what we long as we do it right? :) I don't know what else to say other than....Romeo and Juliet don't seem that bad >.>...Utter boredom to me! :)

Anonymous said...

yea i agree, its supposed to be his best work, good link

lild7hinascc said...

Nice link, I hope the book is great.