Friday, April 6, 2007

The Theater

If I lived in Shakespeare's times, I would definitely go to his plays. I love to go to Lander's Theater and see their plays. I'm not sure if I would want to be in the lower class and be at the seats that cost a penny or be wealthy and in the higher seats. True if I wanted to not work, I could be wealthy and take the life most people consider is easier. But I won't want to be wealthy and powerful, like Queen Elizabeth, and be lonely. I am not sure if I'd pick wealthy or not. What would you choose? And there is always the possibility of being an actor. I think that would be fun. But I would have to dress up like a boy, and I would probably be horrible at acting anyway. I like to watch acting though. My favorite part to read about the Lander's Theater is the ghosts and scary stuff. I found a website about it at . I like to read about that kind of thing a lot. I know it's not true, but I have heard from my friend that some weird things happen there and about how creepy it is at night. Anyway, the play that they are selling tickets for is "Pippi Longstocking" and their next play in May is "The Taffetas". I think I want to see that one.

1 comment:

Eliza101 said...

I agree with you. I really like to go to the landers to watch plays, espically when I know some of the people that are in them.