Friday, April 6, 2007

Romeo and Juliet

Were getting ready to read Romeo and Juliet. I have never read it, or seen the movie. I really hope I'm going to be able to understand what they're talking about. If you've read it, is it hard to follow? I think it'll be good, if I can understand what's going on. My sister has read a lot of shakespears writing, and she really likes it. I hope I do too. The insults paper we did was kinda fun. I didn't really know what I was saying. It's weird how our language has changed, words take on totally differnt meanings, all the time. I wonder what are language will be like in 20 years? Our kids will be saying all these weird things, and we won't understand it. It's like how we talk differnt than our parents. Each generation has their own saying and meaning of words. It's weird to think about. Anyways, back to shakespear. I'm really looking forward to read it, and I hope you guys have a good easter weekend!

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