Saturday, April 14, 2007

Shakespeare in Love

Ahhh....I just watched Shakespeare in Love on was

pretty okay...Shakespeare fell in love with Gwenth....

I liked it a lot it was really cute...but some of it was really hard

to understand. Oddly...enough....

Romeo and Juliet is pretty okay to understand...if you read the side bars

you'll pretty much get all of it...:)


1) How's reading Romeo and Juliet going for you?

2) Do you wanna read it?

3) How is/was your weekend?


cavalierschick said...

I love Romeo and Juliet so far! It's too funny!
Of course I want to read it!
My weekend has been wonderful. I went back to school last night to go see the opera H.M.S. Pinafore and I loved it. It was better than the musical they put on this fall and I suggest everyone goes and sees it. I hope you're having a good weekend too.

ice skate dreamer said...

I am really enjoying the book right now even though we aren't that far into it yet. I think it is going to be great. I love romance stories. I absolutely want to read it. Be able to understand the book would help too though. My weekend is ok. It's kind of rainy today so it's pretty boring and a lot of watching tv today. But the weekend is for being lazy right. :)

lild7hinascc said...

the book is pretty interesting. Weekend has been full of sleeping and the vocabulary in the book is great.

CrazyDay said...

It's kinda hard to read, but it's not all that bad. I think I've read better though.

My weekend has been decent enough. About like any other weekend.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I really like the play so far. I think it is funny and I like the fact that we are reading it as a class rather than to ourselves. Even though its kind of hard for me to understand right now, i think it will get better because To Kill a Mockingbird was hard to read at first then it got much easier, and I think this play will be the same way.