Friday, April 6, 2007

Women Actors

What really interested me about our reading last night and the video that we watched was the part about only women being able to act. I had heard this before, but not really thought about it. I think it would be funny to see guys dressing up as girls, but wouldn't it get old? And lots of plays like Romeo and Juliet involve kissing, would the two men actually kiss? I also thought that is was interesting that the queen (who was a girl) loved plays, yet women were still not allowed to act. What do you think?


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

Ya I agree with you I thought that was very interesting. I dont think that I would want to watch a play where two guys had to kiss... ewww I also thought it was ironic that the ruler of their country was a woman but yet girls were not able to act.

Eliza101 said...

I agree with you. I think that it is wierd that they would not allow the women to act especially since the queen loved to watch the plays.

ice skate dreamer said...

I agree with you to. It is very weird how the queen is in charge and loves to watch plays. Then she doesn't even allow women to be in them. That is way out of whack.

Scarlett_Rose said...

You all make excelent points, but back then, that was the norm. If the people from the time piriod came back to life, and saw our theaters, they would probably be having this same conversation about OUR movies. However, I whole heartedly think that keeping women from the stage was just another way to put women on the very exceedingly short leesh that women were on.

mellofelloet said...

Well, do this. Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of that time.

Would you want your daughter to be in a play with some strange guy kissing her? Just ponder on that a moment.