Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Book and the Movie

When i watched the movie i have to say that i was disappointed. I don't think that the movie did the book justice. Maybe that's because all books that I've read, and have movies about the book, have been much better than the movie. When my sister and mother watched the Harry Potter movie they kept on bragging about it and saying how good it was. I told them to read the book and then the movie would seem terrible. I guess thats because the author can put much more detail and stuff that happens in a book. A movie is also limited by time. I thought that there were so omany important details left out of the movie. How do you feel?


Erin said...

That's exactly what I thought. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and I go see the movies and get disappointed each time. Well, Chamber of Secrets stuck to the movie pretty well. But a lot of stuff will get cut out of a movie, if the book is long. I really wish time limitations wasn't a problem. Some things may be okay to leave out, but I didn't like how they left out Miss Maudie's house fire or the whole subplot with Mrs. Dubose.

Scarlett_Rose said...

The Harry Potter comments, th first one stuck to the books the best.
The fire scene should have been left in there, and Mrs. Dubose. She was crabby, but I thought it was kinda funny!!!!