Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Book vs. Movie

I have been reading other post about people being disappointed with the movie. I would have to say that I agree. I am not happy that the movie left out some very important details that the book had. Such as, in the book Jem loses his pants and Boo sews them. The movie had Jem running back to get his pants and almost getting caught by Atticus. Also, in the movie it has Jem finding the stuff in the tree instead of Scout. Some of these things should have been left the way they were in the book.

I do think the movie did a good job with the court house scene. I think it helped picture what was really going on. Other than that the movie is kind of a bust.


cavalierschick said...

I don't like that Aunt Alexandra is not in the movie. I really didn't like the book a whole lot, but she was my favorite character. I also wish that you could have heard more narrative parts of the movie then just dialog between the characters.

CrazyDay said...

Generally, I find that most movie remakes based on books are flawed, with parts removed that were crucial to the storyline.

For example, in the movie for To Kill a Mockingbird, in the courthouse scene, they missed at least one, if not more, important steps that Atticus questioned and inquired about. Mayella did not get mad at Atticus for calling her "ma'am" and being courteous in the movie, which showed a lot about her character and her intelligence in my opinion.

I just find that I get a better picture of the characters and the setting when reading the book and seeing it through my mind's eye, than when I watch it through the eyes of someone else. It feels more awkward to me.

Some movies though are stellar productions that really bring the books to life. For example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy was amazing. It was easy to understand, and brought the story to life in a very comprehensive way.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you totally