Sunday, April 15, 2007

One Child

I started another book today, the title is One Child by Torey L. Hayden. If you read A Child Called It, then you should definetly read this book, but only if you liked reading that book. It is a lot like that right now, there is a six year old girl and she was abused by her father and then abandoned by her mother. Now she is in a class for the retarded becuase she was very violent, but she isn't mentally retarted she has just been through a lot. She doesn't talk, or cry, or anything, she is just angry. That's as far as I've gotten right now. If you want a book that really impacts you, then check it out.


1dayi'llfly said...

that sounds really good! i liked the book called it. It was really sad though. I started to read the book after a child called it. But i never had time to finish it. i have a lot of books i want to read

notre_dame_bound said...

I'll have to check that out. I really liked A Child Called It. It is one of my favorite books. Thanks for the recomendation.